Kappa Epsilon Fraternity Cabanatuan

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This WEB Page is a one way to communicate with Brods./Sis. on The Philippines Reach and others around the world.. Enjoy and Explore.. GOD BLESS!!

Kappa Epsilon Fraternity Home Page

This fraternity sprang out of the fertile breeding ground that was the University of the Philippines in the late 1960's. 12 young men banded together and chose the name using the greek letters Kappa and Epsilon signifying the Knowledge and Enlightenment to which they aspired.

In an era wooed by such widely divergent influences as the Woodstock generation in America and militant student activism sweeping across campuses in Manila, this brotherhood of lofty minded individuals grew and flourished. Today, there are members throughout the world spreading its message of goodwill and espousing the ideals of brotherhood through service to our fellowmen.

Please get in touch to offer comments and join our mailing list.

Kappa Epsilon NEUST Back days 1999
KE Rocks

this Photo was taken from CLPC /NEUST Chapter back days on 1999 the 10th year Anniv.

We invite you to visit us or attend an event. Our members are more than happy to answer any questions you may have about the organization and how you can join.

Copyright @ 2005 * Kappa Epsilon Fraternity founded in 1968 * "Brotherhood through service to fellowmen" * All rights reserved